07540 685718


Smith UK Ltd
Ideas Factory NUA,
Cavendish House,
St Andrews Hill, Norwich, NR2 4SN



Smith brand Talent Bank

Smith have been appointed to develop a visual identity and marketing collateral for a new initiative from The East of England Local Government Association (EELGA) and Improvement East (IE).

Called ‘Talent Bank’. The progamme will enable EELGA and IE to extend their existing systems and develop a joint bank of associates to work with local authorities and their partner organisations in the East of England.

EELGA is a membership organisation which brings together county, unitary and district authorities in the East of England to address issues of common concern and those that can best be tackled at a sub-national level. Improvement East is essentially part of EELGA but is funded separately. Both organisations can be the first point of call for authorities and their partners in the East of England when they need additional capacity or capability in key areas and this joint initiative will make it easier for authorities to access that support.